
We are deeply grateful for your steadfast support and unwavering commitment to our beloved community at St. John the Evangelist in Greece. Your contributions, of any size and type, sustain the spiritual tapestry of our church. Your generous support enables us to fulfill our mission and serve our congregation and the wider community with compassion and dedication.

In these transformative times, where technology bridges gaps and brings us closer together, we are profoundly appreciative of the generosity displayed through your donations of time, talent, and treasures.

You embrace the spirit of stewardship from the comfort of your homes, enabling us to continue our meaningful work, support our ministries, and maintain our sacred space.

We encourage you to explore the various avenues of online giving available, each one representing a testament to your dedication to the flourishing of our faith community. We thank our esteemed members and friends of St. John the Evangelist for your generosity, trust, and your enduring commitment to our organization. Together, we are shaping a future where our church stands as a beacon of hope, love, and grace for all.